Upcoming Appearances

September 1st, 2023 
7:00pm - 2:00am
37- 28 9th St. Queens, NY 


Summer Solstice 2 
September 3rd, 2023 
158 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002


Wavecave Is a collective movement of thought and energy.

Powered by the music of AYE 1, Wavecave represents the energy of New York City, and tells the story of the streets and life lived in this city. That is transferred and fostered around the world and shared with people from their cities creating a connection of energy and pride.

As a student of Hip-Hop, his cuttingly clever rhymes pay homage to the greats he studied, all while creating a signature New York sound that listeners can feel no matter their background.

As a chameleon on genre blending beats, AYE 1 shares his vivid perspective on growing up in the birthplace of Hip-Hop and the economic reality fueling what’s left of world politics.